The Hermit Card is traditionally associated with the sign of Virgo and means to "withdraw from events and relationships to introspect and gather strength". This is the card symbolizing the need for introspection.
• It is the 9th card in the Major Arcana.
• Upright meaning of solitude, soul-searching and shining the light on inner wisdom.
• Reversed meaning of searching for validation in others (opposite of self-reliance for answers), mistrust, internalized rejection and feeling like a misfit.
This card is from the Golden Universal Tarot Deck and it came up in my reading today, to help my client reevaluate their inner foundations and dogmas to build more trust in themselves.

How to get clear on your forward direction?
Are you trying to achieve your goals and are struggling to see results? Manifesting can be challenging in that aspect. Tarot Readings can be helpful to shed light on the unseen aspects of stagnant situations and to offer a glimmer of hope.
Introspection can be easy with my YES or NO two card pull ↓
Indecisiveness is tough especially when you are looking for a YES or NO answer. With two powerful cards pulled, find out what decision is best aligned with your Highest Self's interests. No more beating around the bush with this honest draw, especially if you want answers fast — a quick 10 minute reading for 22$ ! Using the Golden Universal Tarot, only via phone or video-call.
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@ lamrejuvenation or email ↓