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Venus Retrograde in Aries: What to expect

Photo du rédacteur: Evelina BujorEvelina Bujor

See this not as an all foretelling prediction post because — at least in my eyes, Astrology is not a new modern religious movement. Belief in this Ancient Knowledge does not determine its effectiveness as other faith requiring dogmas. See it as this instead:

A train of energy moving forward regardless of you.

Jumping on the bandwagon of these celestial forces is like knowing the questions to the upcoming exam and taking the time to study for them. It’s not a matter of failure either, but of avoiding to repeat the same lessons over and over again. Think of it like optimizing your time, avoiding silly arguments or useless strife, all while feeling supported by the promise of self actualisation.

What does Venus represent in astrology?

Simplistically, Venus is associated with the Goddess of Love, and shines light on themes of partnership, devotion, finances, business negotiations, art, beauty, fashion, materialism charm and indulgence.

It has a dual rulership over the Zodiac Signs of Libra and Taurus, while being exhalted in Pisces and being in detriment in Aries. This means that it is at home in Libra and Taurus; it’s in the highest position of power in Pisces and it is completely debilitated in Aries.

Venus Retrograde in Aries through Pisces

When Venus goes retrograde it slows down its movement and appears to be spinning backwards in the sky from the position of the Earth — which also means that it regresses from its forward motion through the constellations of the Zodiac Signs, retracing its steps and revisiting themes we may have missed the first time around. A period of introspection of sorts, but since Venus rules relationships, it is a very externally effective transit. Your relationships will go through it and your finances will feel the struggling impact if discipline succumbs to irresponsible spending whims.

The 2025 March 1st to April 12th Venus Retrograde will form a triple Conjunction with Saturn in Pisces and this won’t happen again for the next 35 years!

The next time Venus will cross paths with Saturn this frequently in the span of one Retrograde transit will be from April to July 2060 through the early degrees of Gemini.

This rare event is also a challenging one, as this year’s Venus Retrograde starts in its sign of fall (Aries), where Venus’s harmonious charm is shaken up by the bold brashness of individualistic and demanding Aries — making relationships go through the dilemma of how are you serving ME and MY needs and appeasing MY fears and making MY insecurities go away — versus its movement back through its highly idealized placement in Pisces where relationships become tinted by the illusion of novel-like romance, self-sacrificial martyrdom and love as a healing escape. While all of these themes are causing mood swings from highs to lows; from putting your partner on a pedestal to devaluing them because they don’t embody your perfect Soulmate’s qualities… the best reminder is that you are not dating or looking to date a fantasy but a real person, flawed at times.

Meanwhile Venus and Saturn will meet 3 times in Pisces with some much needed reality checks and this won’t happen again until they meet in Gemini in 2060. Some other intense astrology transits include, and just as Venus slows into its pre-shadow phase, on February 1st, 2025, the planet of love meets with Neptune and the North Node in a tight Conjunction in the last degrees of Pisces.

This is setting in motion the first glimpses of how the turning of the wheels of destiny will reveal if your relationship is solid enough to move towards the next step in commitment. We may get big money breakthroughs near that date, serious relationship epiphanies or a much needed change in how we view our self-concept relating to beauty, attraction and feeling validated.

Mark your calendars

January 18: Venus Conjunct Saturn at 16° Pisces

• February 1: Venus Conjunct Neptune/North Node at 27-28° Pisces

• March 27: Venus Rx Conjunct Neptune at 29° Pisces

• April 1: Venus Rx Conjunct North Node at 27° Pisces

• April 7: Venus Rx Conjunct Saturn at 25° Pisces

• April 24: Venus Direct Conjunct North Node/Saturn at 26-27° Pisces

While we remember the character development arc of the North and South Nodes in Aries/Libra in 2023-2024, Venus in Aries reminds us of how we can’t neglect the impact of our relationships in our lives — and if we can heal ourselves, we can heal our relationships too. On the other side of fear, there will always be love.

Learn your love languages as now is the time to get acquainted with your Natal Chart by booking your session with me by Instagram @ lamrejuvenation or email ↓

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