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Why you need Moldavite

Photo du rédacteur: Evelina BujorEvelina Bujor

My all time favourite crystal can become yours too

The one crystal I own in abundance is Moldavite. Having 13 pieces — as of now in my current collection, I’ve owned a total of 17 Moldavites over the span of the last 4 years.

Moldavite has truly changed my life for the best and everyone I’ve shared this gift from outer space with has given me the same feedback. But how?

There was a time when I was afraid to just be myself. I couldn’t recognize the subtle wants and needs of my body. My sense of self was a reflection of how agreeable I could be in each instance. My purpose was to be accommodating, to ease the hardships of others by making them my own, while never understanding why I felt like such a hollow vessel of myself. Just like the many divinely aligned twists and turns that Gabrielle Bernstein illustrates in “The Universe Has Your Back”, Moldavite became mine, back in 2019.

I was working in an overly-corporate crystal shop, which made it easy to memorize every possible stone, as tags and SKUs were on everything. So when this unusual, ultra rare green alien-stone Tektite finally caught my attention 6 months in — sitting in tiny plastic ziplocks in the glass cabinet filled with pricier stones — that I would clean at the end of my shifts, I knew that the palpitations in my chest and the heat in my palm was something different.

We all have witnessed the prices of Moldavite skyrocket since. A 4 gram piece back then (the one I bought) at just under 90$ CAD is now worth 400$ according to appraisals at the iGEM Institute of Gemmology in Montreal, as of 2024. Still back then, almost 100$ on a small green rock was unjustified, but I couldn’t pull away from it. I had to save up for it, hoping every day that nobody else would buy it first. I was in the process of moving out on my own, school full time and with this part time employment to pay the extra expenses I was starting to accumulate at the time.

I didn’t know why then, but this is the calling I needed and I still use this stone today during periods of restlessness when I sense that a transformation is near.

Moldavite is rarer than Diamonds

According to multiple Geology/Gemmology studies, there are more Diamonds on Earth than there is Moldavite, and this Tektite was only created once (during its impact 15 million years ago)! You can read the details of its comprehensive history, geology and metaphysical properties in my “Know Your Crystals” Moldavite edition Workbook.

Besides being ultra rare, Moldavite has a very unique shape that only few other Tektites share patterns with: making it a collector’s dream.

If you were ever wondering the cause of its bizarre shapes, let me answer that for you.

Tektites are often "impactites" or glass resulting from a meteor impact that is formed from the melting of the surrounding silica-rich sand when the meteor hits the ground with a high speed.

The hot gasses combine with the molten matter, as those Tektite shards get shot out back in space (this process is specific to Moldavite, which may be the only Tektite that has done this back and forward movement between outer space and the Earth). They solidify and take on their final shape of a "splash" or a "drop", as they exit our Earth's atmosphere. They may have slight alterations as the pieces fall back onto our planet with extreme velocity. Often characterized as the "donut" indentation, it is the byproduct of that phenomenon! The dynamic forces distort these tear drop Tektites leaving them with these special thumb print indentations.

My first Moldavite in comparison to a Black Tibetan Tektite, circa 2021.

Til this day, I am convinced that this is the Moldavite piece that began my spiritual awakening. Amongst some of the metaphysical properties of Moldavite, here is what I experienced:

• An increase in synchronicities, angel number sightings and random strangers stopping me to tell me important messages that made a huge impact in my life, equally to their confusion as to why they felt compelled to do this in the first place.

• I hit rock bottom, with significant relationships ending, only to transform into my highest potential.

• My intuition skyrocketed and I started practicing Tarot and Astrology professionally.

• I frequently had vividly dreams, recollecting Past Life ventures, astral projections and important visualizations about my current life path.

• I felt high on life, capable of accomplishing 10x the load of tasks I normally do within the same time span, as my purpose became energizing and clear.

• I bulldozed through some of the hardest moments of my life with emotional resilience, an easy time processing past traumas and ascending into higher frames of mind.

• I became spiritually wise and grew skilled at weaving the meaning of powerful life lessons into otherwise challenging, stagnant or limiting situations.

My two biggest 14g/8g pieces of Moldavite then (in 2021) versus today, mounted in an original silver design by Aaron Maya from Argent Tonic.

Moldavite loves you back

As intimating as it is rewarding, Moldavite creates forced growth for your highest good, comparable to the tough love of a parent that you are only grateful for once you reach adulthood yourself. It may make you feel like you want to crawl out of your skin, such is the restless body that can’t settle when you are unaligned, therefore revealing what needs to be released — even if mentally and emotionally you may not grasp this yet. This is your inner gut instinct, silenced for so long, your body unheard for too long and finally guiding you back to your need for wellness.

People, places or situations you once called home will repel you or push you away if you’ve been operating from distraction, fawning, survival or conditioning… let Moldavite make this frequency clear and help you help yourself be free.

As Moldavite amplifies and manifests all that your heart deeply desires, be ready to shed everything that no longer serves you!

Additional metaphysical properties

• It boldly opens the Heart Chakra, opening communication pathways with Spirit Guides, Angelic Beings, Higher Dimensional Beings or Aliens.

• These entities are highly drawn to the frequencies emitted by the Heart Chakra, an excellent tool to channel those messages and encounters.

• It accelerates the cleansing and purging of toxic relationships, as it attunes you with the true purpose your soul needs to fulfill during this lifetime.

Healing prompts inspired by Moldavite

• Are your inner thoughts and feelings aligned with your vision?

• Do they truly represent who you are and how you want to be seen?

• Are your relationships meaningful and authentic?

These are all prompts I invite you to ask yourself, on behalf of my favorite crystal of all time, the Moldavite stone.

If this Blog Post spoke to you, place an order for Moldavite by checking out my Niche Specimens crystal dealership on Instagram @ lamrejuvenation or by email ↓

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